August 2007

First of all in app controller we need to gather all exists actions.

class AppController extends Controller {

   function __construct()
        if (isset(
)) {
        } else {
$protected = array( ‘object’low($this->name‘Controller’), ‘controller’‘appcontroller’
$controllerName Inflector::camelize($this->name
$controllerPath Inflector::underscore($controllerName
        if (
)) {
$methods as $method
) {
                if (
$method{0} != ‘_’ && !in_array(low($method), $othOpen) && !in_array(low($method), am($protected, array(‘delete’
)))) {


After it we just need to declare in controller list of opened methods:

       var $othAuthOpen = array(‘login’, ‘logout’, ‘forget’ , ‘register’, ‘confirm’, ‘noaccess’);

This behavior allow to limit selected and update rows of model with some scope.

Example of using if you want to scope articles with scope user_id then in beforeFiler of ArticlesController we place next code.
Value ‘’ placed into session during login.


After this all insert and read will scoped with user_id value. 
Now for example possible to call $this->paginate() without any additional conditions.

Also before create and delete record behavior check that record from required scope. 

<?php /* 
 * Scope behavior for cakePHP 
 * comments, bug reports are welcome skie AT mail DOT ru 
 * @author Yevgeny Tomenko aka SkieDr 
 * @version 
 configuration is
 1)  array (‘scope’ => array(‘parent_id’=>$parentIdValue, ‘secondParent’=> $secondParentValue), ‘enabled’ => true);
  2) array(‘parent_id’=>$parentIdValue, ‘secondParent’=> $secondParentValue);
  3) array (‘enabled’ => false);

class ScopeBehavior extends ModelBehavior {     var $settings null

= array()) {
= array()) {
$settings = array(‘enabled’=>true
        if (isset(
])) {
        } else{
        if (isset(
])) {
$this->settings[$model->name] = $settings
scopeEnable (&$model
$this->settings[$model->name][‘enabled’] = true
    function scopeDisable (&$model){
$this->settings[$model->name][‘enabled’] = false
     * Before find method. Called before all find
     * Set scope filer settings
     * @param AppModel $model
     * @return boolean True to continue, false to abort the save
function beforeFind(&$model$cond
) {
        if (!
$this->settings[$model->name][‘enabled’]) return true
        if (!
])) {
        foreach (
$this->settings[$model->name][‘scope’] as $key => $value
) {
    }      function 

) {
        if (!
$this->settings[$model->name][‘enabled’]) return true
        if (empty(
$model->data[$model->name][$model->primaryKey])) { 
foreach ($this->settings[$model->name][‘scope’] as $key => $value
) {
        } else { 
            // now nothing to do
    function beforeDelete(&$model) {        
        if (!
$this->settings[$model->name][‘enabled’]) return true
        if (
) {
        foreach (
$this->settings[$model->name][‘scope’] as $key => $value
) {
            if (
$curr[$model->name][$key]!=$value) return false

In last build I got inforation next warning

Dispatcher::start – Controller::$beforeFilter property usage is deprecated and will no longer be supported.  Use Controller::beforeFilter().

 So now in app_controller necessry to use beforeFilter function. I used beforeFilter property in app_controller before and now i got next trouble: some my controllers redeclare beforeFilter. So don’t forget to call parent class in controllers.

 function beforeFilter() {

As you know cakephp 1.2 allow to call custom functions during validation.

var $validate = array( 	'alias' => array( 
		'rule' => array('unique', 'alias'), 
		'required' => true, 'allowEmpty' => false, 
		'message' => 'Such alias already exists' 	), 

This is sample when you need to have unique field in whole table.

 function unique($data, $name){
  $this->recursive = -1;
  $found = $this->find(array(“{$this->name}.$name” => $data));
  $same = isset($this->id) && $found[$this->name][$this->primaryKey] == $this->id;
  return !$found || $found && $same;

This example from cakebaker blog.